The difference between Hacker and Cracker

The difference between Hacker and Cracker

Do you know about Hacker and Cracker?

Firstly I found this definition from this site is said. That :
A computer enthusiast
A person who enjoy learning programming language and computer system and can often be considered an expert on the subjects.
The pejorative sense of hacker is becoming more prominent largely because the popular press has coopted the term to refer to individuals who gain unauthorized access to computer system for the purpose of stealing and corrupting data.
Hackers, them selves , maintain that the proper term for such individuals is cracker.

A person who does crack activities :
To break into a computer system. The term was coined in the mid-80s by hacker who wanted do differentiate themselves from individuals whose sole purpose is to sneak through security system.
To copy commercial software illegally by breaking (cracking) the various copy-protection and registration techniques being used.

And here I am prepare some good concept about Hacker by Eric S. Raymond in his article How To Becoming A Hacker. Hackers build things, and Cracker break them. And also they have attitude, skill, and right culture.

Look at to this form :

The Hacker Attitude
1. The world is full of fascinating problems waiting to be solved.

2. No problem should ever have to be solved twice.

3. Boredom and drudgery

4. Freedom is good

5. Attitude is no substitute

Basic Hacking Skill
1. Learn hoe to program

2. Get one of the open-source Unix and learn to use and run it..

3. Learn how to use the World Wide Web and write HTML.

4. If you don’t have functional English, Learn it.

Hacker Culture
1. Write open-source software

2. Help test and debug open-source software

3. Publish useful information

4. Help keep the infrastructure working

5. Serve the hacker culture it self.

In Wikipedia that a Hacker is :

§ Highly skilled programmer

§ Computer and network security expert

§ Hardware modifier so a hacker is not cracker

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