market research

now if you intend to become affiliate marketers for a particular product category, you need to do market research.

Is this important? making?

This is wrong. Like the fishing, the affiliate marketer needs to feed.

If you are fishing without bait, do not hope will be a lot of fish. A fish is not akan we can. Ago? How can we feed?

First patient ... give it berpromosi bait. Well, before the campaign, you need to do market research. Market research can help you to find out how much the level of visitor demand products that you will pasarkan. And, how tight the competition you face.

so how to do market research?

1. Observe the market situation. Follow the latest information about the market situation related to the product that you promote. Learn merchant-merchant who has the best sales figures. Learn experts also commented on the superior product. To find out this information you can take advantage of the search engine (search engine). use google or the other.
2. You measure demand for the product. Measure the demand in the product, please make your list of keywords related to your products. Eg affiliate products into your shoes. Look for brand-famous brand shoes. Write some brand only. Use the search engine and enter a brand-brand in the Keyword Selector Tool. Once you hit enter, you can see the order in which the brand's most lots in search of at least. So, at this stage you can know how big the demand level of the visitors your products. If in one month have 100 visitors to search your products, your product can be one of the demand.
3. Check your competition among sellers. Once you know the product you are interested enough, continue your research by looking at the competition among sellers. There are two ways you can do to see this level of competition.

* Use Paid Search Listings.

Paid search listings we use to find your list of affiliate competitors. You can use the most popular search engines such as google, yahoo, or MSN for Paid Search Listings. Normally this menu is located in the top-right corner and labeled "Sponsored Results". Next, you can enter keywords that you have created.

If you use yahoo, you can click on the View Bids Tool ( There you can see how your competitors are already advertising and bidding. Akan better if you enter a specific keyword. so you can know exactly how much your competitors.

* Use Search Listings Ordinary.

This is the same way as when you use a search engine. Eg you use google, just enter your keyword and press enter. If the keyword you are more than one word, add quotation marks ("").

Do you all the steps above. For everything related. If you do not stages above, there are losses that will be your responsibility. What is?

* If you do not see the situation pasar.Tanpa see the market situation, you will not know if your product was already ancient. Trend and the model always change. people usually prefer new products. So you need to you to up-date information about what products the tune now.
* If the product does not measure the demand. If it does not perform measurements on demand, you will not know if your product does not have peminat.
* If you do not check the competition. Without checking the level of competition, you will not know the competition you face is very competitive. And, it may be the price you sell the product too expensive compared to other products. In situations such as this can ensure your products will not be salable.

Just do the steps above. Everything may appear complicated. But, if you do it one by one, all so easy. you certainly can.

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