learn seo for beginners

Beginners learn SEO is an article that I post with a very DIFFERENT goal is to give you the motivation to beginners who are learning seo can quickly rise to a level more sophisticated means not merely a beginner. I've had really, when searching for topic seo lessons for beginners will find that again and again, had a month to learn still continue to focus on seo for beginners, it clever-clever dong guns. When rising class? hehe ..

That's what I mean by a very DIFFERENT PURPOSES above, not to disclose what it is technically keywords, meta tags, meta title and so it provides the foundation MINDSET that if you bring in the action quickly then you will not be someone who is just learning seo for beginners course, must have the courage to learn or even to invest large to obtain a greater effect seo.

That means you need to learn seo very FAST, choose a place to learn who is proven, then practice all the lessons there and exit the NEWBIE's degree in the seo world. For if the beginner or for too long continuously as more than a month are beginners as well then it's a sign you are much less serious. Learning SEO is close to useless spurious. The truth as I write this article: Learn SEO And Target On Your Blog Top 10 of Google.

Or if it's been less interested in learning SEO seo then forget it, yet you still can get great traffic in other ways like the one in this article: SEO Without You Can Still Get A Powerful Blog Traffic.

Once again, should not continue to learn seo beginners, seo promotion to advance dong, search seo challenge yourself and make the machine self motivation to get out of the beginner class and up to pursue more profitable again. Okay?

the benefits of vegetables and fruits

Vegetables and fruits are a food source that contains complete nutrition and healthy. Green vegetables are rich sources of carotene (provitamin A). The older the color green, the more content karotennya. The content of beta carotene in vegetables helps slow the aging process to prevent the risk of cancer, improve lung function and reduce complications associated with diabetes.
Dark green vegetables include kale, cassava leaves, katuk leaf, papaya leaf, genjer and Moringa leaf. In vegetables and fruits also contained vitamin that works as an antioxidant. Antioxidants in vegetables and fruit works by binding to and destroying free radicals and can protect the body from oxidative reactions that produce toxins.

Avocado, apple, Blimbing, guava, oranges, mangoes, papayas are rich in vitamin A. While the sprouts or sprouts are a source of vitamin E. fruits are generally rich in various kinds of minerals, including potassium (K), calcium (Ca), Sodium (Na), and iron (Fe). Fruits are rich in calcium are fruits, brown, lime, strawberry, jack fruit, nutmeg and Sugar-apple. It's so many benefits of vegetables and fruits for health. For this reason, do not be surprised if all the health experts encourage us to eat lots of vegetables and fruits to maintain body condition.

9 Foods Eaten Abstinence Pregnancy

WE often hear a lot of dietary restrictions for pregnant women. Some say the food could affect the baby's health. Some are saying it can cause miscarriage. Indeed, not all information is correct. Not a few who claim abstinence as a myth. However, many dietary restrictions that have been medically tested and strengthened. American Pregnancy Association (APA) mentions nine foods that should never be consumed during pregnancy:

Raw Meat or Fish

Hobby eat sushi seems to be postponed for now. Meat or fish are eaten without cooking in advance is very risky contain harmful bacteria such as salmonella and toxoplasma.

Fish Bermerkuri

It is not easy to distinguish fish with high mercury content. However, you should avoid canned foods or not eat them too often.

Raw or undercooked eggs

It is not advisable to eat raw or undercooked eggs. Salmonella bacteria generally stay there very dangerous for the content.

Various sauce made from raw eggs

Because raw or partially cooked eggs become taboo, then the salad dressing, mayonnaise, homemade ice cream, custard, or cream cakes should be avoided. Eliminate any foods and dishes containing raw eggs from your diet list.

Soft Cheese

Imported cheeses should also be avoided because it is suspected that the imported cheese contain bacteria called Listeria. These bacteria are quite dangerous because it can cause bleeding, until miscarriage.

Non-pasteurized milk

As with soft cheese, non-pasteurized milk is also suspected to carry the bacteria Listeria.


Some studies may allow pregnant women to consume caffeine. However, according to APA study found that caffeine is very influential on miscarriage, especially in the pregnancy trimester. Caffeine is a substance that triggers for urination. So the body becomes weak, easily dehydrated, and calcium deficiency. Currently, the medical world pengonsumsian limit of not more than 300mg caffeine per day to prevent miscarriage.


This drink has long been included in the list should not be taken for pregnant women. As is known, alcohol is very dangerous for anyone who is not pregnant. The threat of alcohol other than harmful to the kidneys and heart, too dangerous for all other body parts. Alcohol can be regarded as toxins, which would disrupt the nervous system if taken continuously. In pregnant and lactating women, alcohol can cause mental disorders in infants, and other pregnancy disorders.

Raw vegetables

Not only fish and meat, raw vegetables should also be avoided. Besides the threat of toxoplasma, pesticides brought by vegetable will interfere with the development of babies in the womb. So make sure all the vegetables that you consume in a mature state.

Expectant mothers, Young Pregnant Women and the problem

When a woman in early pregnancy, aka young pregnant women, there are some problems that occur as a remarkable feeling queasy. And during pregnancy as it is also often poor appetite, so that although there was good food though will have no effect.
Indeed, when a young pregnant mothers will lazily perform various activities, which ultimately will affect the taste of food.

Even so the fetus still needs nutrients derived from eat,. Therefore, as the woman in charge should keep swallowing the food even though it may not want it.

Especially during the first 8 weeks pregnant young, because at that time the fetal brain is experiencing growth. And this growth process requires a lot of nutrients from the mother. If a mother does not want to give nutrition, how will her fate is not it?

Well loh what if a young pregnant woman who would not eat at all. Of course this will result in an imbalance of hormones the body. And would be harmful to infants and expectant mothers even itself.

Also it takes a woman's food intake so that body condition during early pregnancy in a healthy condition and prime. Infant brain development during pregnancy is associated closely with the many nutrients that enter the mother's own body. Hopefully helpful

How to Tell someone you love them

Many people do not know how to express themselves well, and if they want to tell someone that they love them, not sure how to do it.

The truth is that there is no magic recipe, there is no right way to do it.
You should choose a time to be right for you. But be sure you do not rush it - take time to reflect on your feelings and be sure that it is love that you feel.

If you tell someone that you love them, so make sure you do it in a quiet time when there are just two of you privately.

Smile at them and look in their eyes and tell them. Make it romantic, but do not do it all and end all.

If they reciprocate so great, but if not - you need not worry - it does not mean they do not like you too, but it may be too early for them, or they may just be too shy to say what they really feel.
If you can not find the right words yourself, using one of our poems for inspiration and adapt it to your own feelings.

For example, use some quotes from you is love of my life.

You are my true love. I wanted to send you this special message to show you how much you mean to me. You are always there for me through the window and downs. You know how you make me laugh and you know how you make me smile, but most importantly you fill me. You make me so happy.You is very special. I love you so much and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I want to be with you forever, together as one.

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